Thursday, February 1, 2018

Why Teaching Chose Me

        Flashback to two years ago. I had just finished my first year of college, and I am 100% confident that one day I will be a Nurse Practitioner. I have always wanted to work with children, and thought "Hey you can work with kids, and be well off financially." Well.... that was not God's plan. 
        It is the summer of 2016, and I am going on the annual mission trip with my church. I am praying that the house we are working at will have kids. Well we get there and there are no children to be seen, so I am feeling a little disappointed. I am still praying "Lord, just send us some kids."A few hours later three little boys come walking up, and I am so excited. We start getting to know the boys by asking them about their names, age, what they like to do, etc. It is time to leave the work site, but they promise that they will come back to play with us the next day. 
        It is the next day and we are talking and playing with the boys, then we start to tell them about Jesus. They have never really learned anything about God or anything related to church. It was so interesting to me to see how eager they were to learn, and how you could see them understanding what you were saying. So, the whole week I feel God telling me "Hannah, you are meant to be a teacher." Of course my stubborn self is like "No, I want to have money." So I was really struggling with it to say the least. After the mission trip, I still have this burden of "Teaching is your calling Hannah." So I am finally like okay if this is what I am supposed to do give me a sign.
        The next day my devotion has the bible verse "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”" Hebrews 13:5. This was a complete slap in the face. I was putting what I wanted before what my calling was. From there on out I have been nothing but excited to be a teacher. I know that I can change the lives of children, and show them love that they might not receive otherwise. I want to be able to see that light in a child everyday because I can see that they are learning. I truly know now that I am 110% supposed to be a teacher, and I cannot wait. 

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